Geoffrey Sampson


Book Reviews: Natural Language Computing

Review of The Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics, ed. by R. Mitkov, Literary and Linguistic Computing 18.333–6, 2003.

Review of Word Frequency Distributions by R. Harald Baayen, Computational Linguistics 28.565–9, 2002.

Review of Variation in English, ed. by Conrad and Biber, English Language and Linguistics 7.164–8, 2003.

Review of The Spoken Language Translator, ed. by Rayner et al., AISBQ 105.26–7, 2001.

Review of WordNet, ed. by Christiane Fellbaum, International Journal of Lexicography 13.54–9, 2000.

Review of Foundations of Computational Linguistics by R. Hausser, ELSNews 8.4 (December 1999), p. 13.

Review of Zur Strukturierung von einsprachigen und kontrastiven elektronischen Wörterbüchern by U. Heid, International Journal of Lexicography 12.82–5, 1999.

Review (with N. Nicolov) of Survey of the State of the Art in Human Language Technology, ed. by R. Cole, ELSNews 8.1 (February 1999), p. 17.

Review of the journal Natural Language Engineering, Times Higher Education Supplement, 4.12.1998, p. 33.

Review of English Spelling and the Computer by R. Mitton, English Language and Linguistics 1.187–91, nominally 1997 but actually 1998.

Review of English Corpus Linguistics, ed. by Karin Aijmer & B. Altenberg, ICAME Journal 16.81–2, 1992.

Review of Computational Lexicography for Natural Language Processing, ed. by B. Boguraev & E.J. Briscoe, Computational Linguistics 16.113–16, 1990.

Review of Machine Translation by S. Nirenburg, Lingua 79.327–9, 1989.

Review of Perspectives in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 2, ed. by J.A. Campbell & J. Cuena, AISB Quarterly 81.56, 1992.

Review of Elements of Mathematical Linguistics, ed. by A.V. Gladkij & I.A. Mel’čuk, Computational Linguistics 11.185, 1985.

Compte-rendu: Introduction à la théorie des langages, par R. Moreau, Linguistics 186.85–8, 1977.

Review of Formal Grammars in Linguistics and Psycholinguistics by W.J.M. Levelt, Journal of Linguistics 12.182–8, 1976.

Geoffrey Sampson

last changed 21 Jun 2022