Geoffrey Sampson


Book Reviews: Oriental Studies

Review of Prose and Poetry through Time: Hebrew Verb Form Semantics in Zechariah, by Stephen Huebscher, Linguist List 35.3173, 2025.

Review of The Evolution of Chinese Grammar, by Yuzhi Shi, Linguist List 35.712, 2024.

Review of The Cambridge Handbook of Chinese Linguistics, ed. by Chu-Ren Huang, Yen-Hwei Lin, I-Hsuan Chen, and Yu-Yin Hsu, Linguist List 34.1786, 2023.

Review of The Oxford Guide to the Uralic Languages, ed. by Marianne Bakró-Nagy, Johanna Laakso, & Elena Skribnik, Linguist List 34.742, 2023.

Review of Documentation and Argument in Early China: the Shàngshū 尚書 (Venerated Documents) and the Shū Traditions, by Dirk Meyer, Linguist List 33.1116, 2022.

Review of The Oxford Guide to the Transeurasian Languages, ed. by Martine Robbeets and Alexander Savelyev, Linguist List 33.134, 2020.

Review of The Afroasiatic Languages, ed. by Zygmunt Frajzyngier and Erin Shay, Linguist List 32.2439, 2021.

Review of Action! China: a Field Guide to Using Chinese in the Community, by Chai Donglin et al., Linguist List 29.1645, 2018.

Review of Die biblisch-hebräische Partikel נָא im Lichte der antiken Bibelübersetzungen, by Peter Juhás, Linguist List 29.689, 2018.

Review of The Morpho-Syntactic and Lexical Encoding of Tense and Aspect in Semitic, ed. by Lutz Edzard, Linguist List 28.2321, 2017.

Review of Understanding Biblical Hebrew Verb Forms: Distribution and Function across Genres, by Robert E. Longacre and Andrew C. Bowling, Linguist List 28.2171, 2017.

Review of The Writing System of Scribe Zhou: evidence from late pre-imperial Chinese manuscripts and inscriptions (5th–3rd centuries BCE), by Haeree Park. Requested but not published by the Linguist List.

Review of The Handbook of East Asian Psycholinguistics (3 vols), ed. by Ping Li et al., Linguist List 27.1800, 2016.

Review of The Oxford Handbook of Chinese Linguistics ed. by William S.-Y. Wang and Chaofen Sun, Linguist List 26.4510, 2015.

Review of The Recovery of the Ancient Hebrew Language by D.W. Thomas, Linguist List 25.5146, 2014.

Review of Chinese by Jerry Norman, Journal of Linguistics 25.229–35, 1989.

Review of The Myth of Japanese Uniqueness by P.N. Dale, Journal of Literary Semantics 17.236–9, 1988.

Review of The Hakka Dialect by Mantaro Hashimoto, General Linguistics 14.213–20, 1975.

Geoffrey Sampson

last changed 25 Mar 2025