Click here to receive the SEMiSUSANNE Corpus as a .zip file. Assuming you are working in a Unix environment, use

to uncompress it; the result will be a set of 33 data files, A01_SNS.dat to N15_SNS.dat, together with a file readme.txt which documents the SEMiSUSANNE Corpus.

(Non-Unix users would use other software, e.g. Stuffit, to uncompress the zip file, but I'm afraid you are on your own there. In the near future I plan to make this and other resources on this site available more conveniently to users of non-Unix environments, but my own Unix orientation means that this will take me significant time and effort.)

Any queries about SEMiSUSANNE should be directed not to Sampson at Sussex but to its creator, Christopher Powell of the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford University (chris.powell at, who has kindly agreed to its being distributed from this site.