Geoffrey Sampson


Publications: Natural Language Computing

For my book reviews in this area see separate page.

A two-way exchange between syntax and corpora”, in Vander Viana, Sonia Zyngier, and Geoffrey Barnbrook, eds, Perspectives on Corpus Linguistics, John Benjamins, 2011, pp. 197–211.

Definitional and human constraints on structural annotation of English” (with Anna Babarczy), Journal of Natural Language Engineering 14.471–94, 2008; a version reprinted as chapter 2 of Grammar Without Grammaticality.

Definitional, personal, and mechanical constraints on part of speech annotation performance” (with Anna Babarczy and John Carroll), Journal of Natural Language Engineering 12.77–90, 2006.

Corpus Linguistics: Readings in a widening discipline (ed. with Diana McCarthy), Continuum, 2004.

Limits to annotation precision” (with Anna Babarczy), paper given at 10th conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL03), Hungary, April 2003.

A test of the leaf–ancestor metric for parse accuracy” (with Anna Babarczy), Journal of Natural Language Engineering 9.365–80, 2003; a version reprinted as chapter 12 of Grammar Without Grammaticality.

Thoughts on two decades of drawing trees”, in Anne Abeillé, ed., Treebanks, Kluwer, 2003, pp. 23–41; a version reprinted as chapter 3 of Grammar Without Grammaticality.

Reflections of a dendrographer”, in A. Wilson, P. Rayson, and A. McEnery, eds., Corpus Linguistics by the Lune: A Festschrift for Geoffrey Leech, Peter Lang (Bern), 2003, pp. 157–84.

A proposal for improving the measurement of parse accuracy”, International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 5.53–68, 2000.

Where should annotation stop?”, in Anne Abeillé et al., eds., Proceedings of the Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora, LINC–2000, Luxemburg, 6 August 2000, pp. 28–34.

The role of taxonomy in language engineering”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences) 358.1339–54, 2000; a version reprinted as chapter 6 of Empirical Linguistics.

Evolutionary Language Understanding, Cassell, 1996.

Good–Turing frequency estimation without tears” (with W.A. Gale), Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 2.217–37, nominally 1995 but actually 1996; reprinted as chapter 7 of Empirical Linguistics.

“A full annealing parser with a self-generated language model” (with A.M. Wallington & M.D. Dennis), in Carol E. Percy, ed., Synchronic Corpus Linguistics, Rodopi (Amsterdam), 1996.

Stochastic optimization of a probabilistic language model” (with M.D. Dennis & A.M. Wallington), in R.C. Carrasco & J. Oncina, eds., Grammatical Inference and Applications, Springer, 1994.

SUSANNE: a Domesday Book of English grammar”, in Nelleke Oostdijk & P. de Haan, eds., Corpus-Based Research into Language, Rodopi (Amsterdam), 1994.

English for the Computer: The SUSANNE Corpus and Analytic Scheme, Clarendon Press (Oxford University Press), 1995.

“The SUSANNE Corpus”, ICAME Journal 17.125–7, 1993.

Untitled article on lattices, Speakeasy no. 28, Feb./Mar. 1993, pp. 10–11.

The need for grammatical stocktaking”, Literary and Linguistic Computing 8.267–73, 1993.

“SUSANNE — a deeply analysed corpus of American English”, in G. Leitner, ed., New Directions in English Language Corpora, Mouton de Gruyter (Berlin), 1992.

“Machine translation”, in P. Roach, ed., Computing in Linguistics and Phonetics, Academic Press, 1992.

Probabilistic parsing”, in J. Svartvik, ed., Directions in Corpus Linguistics: Proceedings of Nobel Symposium 82, Mouton de Gruyter (Berlin), 1992.

“Parallel optimization of tree structures for natural language parsing”, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 3.69–85, 1991.

“Analysed corpora of English: a consumer guide”, in Martha Pennington & V. Stevens, eds., Computers in Applied Linguistics: an International Perspective, Multilingual Matters (Clevedon, Somerset), nominally 1991 but actually 1992.

Entry on “Statistical Linguistics” in International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Oxford University Press (New York), 1991; revised entry in 2nd edition, 2003.

“Natural language analysis by stochastic optimization: a progress report on Project APRIL” (with R. Haigh & E.S. Atwell), Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 1.271–87, 1989.

“How fully does a machine-usable dictionary cover English text?”, Literary and Linguistic Computing 4.29–35, 1989.

“Natural language processing”, ch. 8 in C.C.R. Turk, ed., Humanists on Computers, Chapman & Hall, 1991.

“Why are long sentences longer than short ones?” (with R. Haigh), in Merja Kytö et al., eds., Corpus Linguistics, Hard and Soft, Rodopi (Amsterdam), 1988.

“Project APRIL: a progress report” (with R. Haigh & E.S. Atwell), Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Buffalo, N.Y., 1988, pp. 104–12.

“Project APRIL: a progress report on the Leeds Annealing Parser Project” (with E.S. Atwell & R. Haigh), ICAME Journal 12.75–6, 1988.

The Computational Analysis of English: A Corpus-Based Approach (ed. with R.G. Garside & G.N. Leech), Longman, 1987.

“Probabilistic models of analysis”, ch. 2 of Garside et al., eds. (above).

“The grammatical database and parsing scheme”, ch. 7 of Garside et al., eds. (above).

“Alternative grammatical coding systems”, Appendix B of Garside et al., eds. (above).

“Computer analysis of documentary text”, Computers and Law part 1, no. 53, pp. 16–17 & 35; part 2, no. 54, pp. 28–31; 1987.

“MT: a nonconformist”s view of the state of the art”, in Margaret King, ed., Machine Translation Today, Edinburgh University Press, 1987.

“Evidence against the ‘grammatical’/‘ungrammatical’ distinction”, in W. Meijs, ed., Corpus Linguistics and Beyond, Rodopi (Amsterdam), 1987; a version reprinted as chapter 10 of Empirical Linguistics.

“Simulated annealing as a parsing technique”, in N. Sharkey, ed., Models of Cognition: A Review of Cognitive Science, vol. 1, Ablex (Norwood, New Jersey), 1989.

Review article on Parallel Distributed Processing by D. Rumelhart, J. McClelland, & the PDP Research Group, Language 63.871–86, 1987.

“Linguistics rolls up its shirtsleeves”, University of Leeds Review 29.159–74, 1986.

“A stochastic approach to parsing”, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Bonn, 1986, pp. 151–5.

“Transition networks for computer-assisted language learning”, in C.N. Candlin & G.N. Leech, eds., Computers in English Language Teaching and Research, Longman, 1986.

“Deterministic parsing”, in Margaret King, ed., Parsing Natural Language, Academic Press, 1983.

“Context-free parsing and the adequacy of context-free grammars”, in Margaret King, ed., Parsing Natural Language, Academic Press, 1983.

“Natural language as a special case of programming languages”, American Journal of Computational Linguistics microfiche 25, 1975.

“The irrelevance of transformational omnipotence”, Journal of Linguistics 9.299–302, 1973.

Geoffrey Sampson

last changed 2 Jun 2024