Geoffrey Sampson


Publications: Philosophy of Language, Nurture v. Nature

For my book reviews in this area see separate page.

Rigid strings and flaky snowflakes” (review article on Christina Behme, Evaluating Cartesian Linguistics), Language and Cognition 8.587–603, 2016. A version reprinted in The Linguistics Delusion.

Can we know how language began?” (review article on books by James Hurford and Julie Andresen), Language and Dialogue 4.455–64, 2014.

A linguistic axiom challenged”, in Sampson, Gil, and Trudgill (eds), Language Complexity as an Evolving Variable, Oxford University Press, 2009.

The “Language Instinct” Debate (with a foreword by Paul Postal), Continuum, 2005: a revised and enlarged edition of a book originally published under the title Educating Eve by Cassell, 1997.

There is no language instinct”, Ilha do Desterro (Florianópolis, Brazil), 52.35–63, 2007.

Exploring the richness of the stimulus”, in A Review of “The Poverty of Stimulus Argument”, special issue of The Linguistic Review edited by Nancy Ritter, vol. 19, pp. 73–104, 2002.

Reply to Longa”, Linguistics 37.345–50, 1999.

“Collapse of the language nativists”, The Independent, Friday Review, 9.4.1999, p. 7.

“La créativité linguistique: Popper contre Chomsky”, in Renée Bouveresse, ed., Karl Popper et la science d’aujourd’hui, Aubier (Paris), 1989.

“Language acquisition: growth or learning?”, Philosophical Papers 18.203–40, 1989.

“Do creoles prove what ‘ordinary’ languages don’t?”, The Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7.207–8, 1984.

“Fallible rationalism and MT”, in Proceedings of the First Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Pisa, pp. 86–9, 1983.

“Linguistic nativism: what acquisition rate would count in favour of learning?”, The Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5.298, 1982.

“The economics of conversation”, in N.V. Smith, ed., Mutual Knowledge, Academic Press, 1982.

“Human rationality: misleading linguistic analogies”, The Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4.350–1, 1981.

“Chomsky’s evidence against Chomsky’s theory”, The Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3.34–5, 1980.

Comment on D’Agostino, Philosophy of the Social Sciences 9.205–8, 1979.

“Popperian language-acquisition undefeated”, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 31.63–7, 1980.

Making Sense, Oxford University Press, 1980.

“A non-nativist account of linguistic universals”, Linguistics and Philosophy 3.99–104, 1979.

“Linguistic universals as evidence for empiricism”, Journal of Linguistics 14.183–206, 1978.

“Sauce for the Gazdar”, York Papers in Linguistics 7.167–74, 1977.

“Chomskyan linguistics: aims, achievements, and prospects”, Journal of Cybernetics 5.51–64, 1975.

The Form of Language, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1975.

“A note on Broadbent’s defence of empirical psychology”, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 65.471–4, 1974.

“Thoughts on the recent marriage of philosophy and linguistics” (review article on Approaches to Natural Language, ed. by K.J.J. Hintikka et al.), Foundations of Language 12.537–60, 1975.

“Can language be explained functionally?”, Synthèse 23.477–86, 1972.

“In defence of Turing”, Mind 82.592–4, 1973; reprinted in Stuart Shieber, ed., The Turing Test: Verbal behavior as the hallmark of intelligence, MIT Press, 2004, pp. 173–5.

“The reality of linguistic decoding”, Journal of Philosophy 67.961–9, 1970.

Geoffrey Sampson

last changed 2 Jun 2024